Iberisches Frühjahrstreffen

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  • #1489

    IBERIAN RAINBOWGATHERING (17.3.07 – 11.4.07)

    We, the Rainbowfamily, tribe of living love and light, from all nations and all colours invite you to the IBERIAN RAINBOWGATHERING in Tras o Montes, North Portugal.
    We start seedcamping on the 17.3.07 (magnetic blue night),celebrate New Moon on the 19.3.07 with the opening of the mainfire, make a ritual for the sunequinox on the 21.3.07, pray for worldpeace on Fullmoon 2.4.07 (self-existing blue storm) and end the Gathering on the 11.4.07 (cosmic yellow star).
    After we clean up the place, so that it looks more beatiful then before.
    The Gathering is free of alcohol, drugs, plastic, electrical devices, plastic, motoriced vehicles and weapons.
    We will do workshops, singing, dancing, cooking and meditating together and share our love in a pure and true way.
    Also we invite brothers and sisters from comunities around Portugal and Spain to share our knowledge of living in comunities.
    We also make Seedexchange of any kinds of organical seeds, so please bring what you have.
    Specially we are looking for STEVIAseeds, what we can give then to our brothers and sisters of comunities.
    If you want to do workshops, please bring your tools (pen,paper,colours,clothes,etc.) yourself.
    Please bring yourself equiped for any kind of weather, bring cooking and eating stuff (your own spoon,plate,bottle,pot), and also any other kinds of usefull tools (buckets,saw,axe,candles,etc.).

    Bring your love and your light, give, and receive the pure love of nature.

    How to get to the place:

    You go to Mirandela (80km south of Braganca), you go from there on the N15 (direction Braganca) to Vilar de Ledra (6km after Mirandela).
    You enter the village and take from there the second road right into the village. Follow this road through the village, up, and by the crossing left. Continue this road, keep yourself on the right side, follow the road, then the road will turn into a fieldroad, also follow this one.
    After you exit the village, after 500m there is a house on the right side, there you take the right fieldroad.
    You continue about 500m and then please park your car.
    Walk from the parkingplace about 1,5km the same fieldroad straight and then down to the river: WELCOME HOME!!!

    “May all beeings be happy and blissed”

    “Pure love may shine upon us all”

    Please remember that we go there to be in harmony and peace with nature.

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