Flash Mob Healing Gathering

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  • #2143

    Hallo Family!

    This is an Einladung, to gather at Potsdamer Platz 21.09 @ 18:02 to make a flash mob circle, a healing gathering.

    Im full power and aiming at the local family, though my email invite is stuck, awaiting moderator for 2 days now..

    Please check out (navigate to see all the invite)


    and network it, invite with ur own words, and include the link.

    come to bring ur amazing energies!

    one love,


    Smart Mob


    smart flash mob..

    hello family, bin voll begeistert dass ich euch endlich finde!

    please network, speak to ur brothers and sisters, bring ur energies!

    its a lot of action tomo world peace climate meeting, age of stupid.. this action is already twittered, is on avaaz, unity project..

    rainbow family, lets not only escape to forest, but share our vision to the city folks.

    i have many fully inspired people responding, some from far, they will send energie from various places, we need to be there in a circle to recieve it!

    berlin family, please network, and come!

    one love,

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