Winter rainbow in “Las Trichias” La Palma isla Canarias

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    Winter rainbow in “Las Trichias” La Palma isla Canarias.
    Date 15/02 to 15/03
    Seed camp in Las trichias, near Punta Gorda.
    200m high, cold and windy so bring few warm clothes,good sleeping bag
    and a tent.
    How to get there: Taking ferry from Tenerife or La gomera With Armas
    comp.Please consult for timetable(Prices can be
    34E or 33E.) TO Santa Cruz de La palma.
    Taking a bus from Santa Cruz de La P. to Los LLanos de Aridane.
    Taking an other bus from “Los LLanos” via “Las Trichias”to Sto
    Domingo.Be care!!!no bus in the evening.
    Step Down to Las trichias(500m) and crossing the village to arrive to
    a path on the leftside.Signs will be get to show the way of the seed camp.
    Possible to arrive by car to the site.


    i´d like to know if the gatering in la palmas is really happening and if the date is right. got informations it will be starting on newmoon of march.(14.3.08)
    i´m thinking about going there and would really apriciate more information.



    Hola familia,
    greetings from the beautiful vulcanic island La Palma which bridges the european and the african continent as well as it is the last stop for the ships heading out across the atlantic ocean for brasil and all of the americas by travelling with the setting sun and moon west!

    Right now rainbowwarriors are scouting for a magical rainbow gathering in the vast green and wild mountain valleys in the north of the island far away from babylon for the march moon cycle. Seedcamp will start at the full moon on february 21st which will be the time of a total moon eclipse as well! The Rainbowgathering will start with the new moon on the 6th of march and the closing ceremony is gonna take place at the new moon on april 3rd.

    The gathering shall be a place of healing, recreation and joy for all of the rainbow tribes of the world and especialy for all the families with children small and big who love to live and play in harmony with mother nature! There are already a few magical storytellers on the island who are capable of awakening the spirits of the inner child even amongst us "older" people with there magical legends inspired by the strong energy of this ancient volcanic creation place!

    We are still looking for community spaces and especially asking for a big children?s place like a yort or big tippie! Also bring all weather clothes, the cycles especially on the northern tip of the island are changing quickly while creating an abundance of greenery! In general La Palma people refer to their island as an island of abundance with magical always fruiting avocado trees and a big variety of fruits and vegetables all year long. Imagine a place where there is spring, summer and autumm happening at the same time in different places very close buy! At night it can get pretty cold all over the island so please bring warm sleeping bags and tents!

    For all of you who are arriving before the time of the seedcamp, please travel to BURACAS at LAS TRICIAS on the northwesterncoast of La Palma. This is the site not only of last years rainbow gathering but also this magical burranco is full of caves and has been a dwelling place for ages. Before the spanish conquerers came and killed all the indigenous Benoahore people, the shepherd tribes of the area had a huge settlement in this place and you can find precious petroglyphes hiding inbetween the trees and cactusplants. then in the 70s of last century hundreds of hippies settled in the caves and some of them have bought parts of the lands and build beautiful cavehouses and live there till today…

    We will send you further directions for the final destination as soon as we know. Scouters are also very welcome to join our tracking family in the north.
    For general information in spanish and english and scouting especially contact SARAH [email protected], mobile: 0034 686141516

    For further information in english and german you can also contact Yvonna in the Aridane valley in todoque close to Los Llanos [email protected], mobile: 0034 678269311. There is also the possibility for a few people especially families with children to stay with a tent overnight in this place before travelling north.

    Also there is a Caravan Park in La Laguna in the Aridane Valley between Los Llanos and Puerto Naos. The owner is called Hannes and you can check his site on the internet at or contact the owner directly
    Camp La Laguna – Hannes Keller – Camino Cruz Chica 60, Tel. +34 922 40 11 79 Fax: +34 922 40 19 63, [email protected]

    Hitchhiking throughout the island is ok, just takes a bit of time. there is also a good public transport running all over the place.


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